Survivors & Lead Survivors acquisition
The game offers a variety of ways to get survivors, most of the listed places where you can find them doesn’t cost you anything and it’s acquirable just by playing the game. The primary source of consistently getting survivors would be missions ( rotation dependent ) weekly store ( weekly guaranteed ), and X-Ray Llamas ( luck & money dependent ).
Events & Quests
Often times you will come across many survivors and lead survivors on your stonewood/plankerton/canny or twine peaks questline.
V-Bucks (X-ray Llamas)
The X-Ray llama store has two llamas, the upgrade llama is always there and the purchase is limited to 50 per day. The featured llama does change every day and the price and content varies depending on the rotation. If you are looking forward to strictly survivors and leaders I highly recommend to look for the Super People –
A special llama containing Rare survivors, including at least one Epic or better Hero and Legendary Lead Survivor! Contains 11 tightly packed people.
You should also consider buying upgrade llamas, once they become golden – the rarity and quantity of items greatly increases. Before buying you can check its content and determine if it’s worth buying for you, nevertheless you should focus around looking for Legendary survivors and Legendary /Mythic lead survivors. V-bucks can be obtained from mission rewards and during the main/event questlines.
Event Tickets
Depending on the event, some event llamas might contain Epic or Legendary rarity survivors but most of the time they don’t.
Mini-Llamas can be acquired from helping in storm shield defenses and sometimes as a mission alert reward, they mainly contain low rarity survivors and lead survivors (Common, Uncommon and rarely Rare as they become silver). They do grant a significant amount of seasonal gold as well as survivor experience.
Another way to acquire high rarity survivors is to get them through the Item Shop, the Event Items store resets quite rarely ( mainly after new seasons or new events ). On the other hand you have 2 random Epic survivors ( random personality and bonus ) each week in the weekly store.The currency used in the store is Seasonal gold which is relatively easy to acquire through playing missions and completing quests.
Survivors as well as lead survivors constantly appear in the mission rotations. Currently the missions rotates every 24 hours, so it’s fairly easy to get hands on this kind of rewards. If you are a new player or an veteran looking for Legendary survivors, make sure to grab them once they are available. You can always check if there is a survivor here
Account Level
When you first start out with the game you will be account level 1. You can increase the levels by completing missions. The maximum level is 310, though after that the game is still tracking the excess levels. I refer to it as “past level” – the value can’t be seen within the game.
During the leveling (1-310) process you can get 30 survivors in total (15 sub ordinary survivors and 15 Lead survivors ). Rare Epic Legendary
1 Uncommon 6 Rare 5 Epic 5 Legendary
Level | Rarity |
16 | Uncommon |
27 | Rare |
49 | Rare |
81 | Rare |
104 | Rare |
126 | Rare |
148 | Rare |
163 | Rare |
187 | Rare |
214 | Rare |
229 | Epic |
238 | Legendary |
261 | Legendary |
288 | Legendary |
304 | Legendary |
You can also acquire Lead survivors, most of them come with a predefined job match.
Level | Reward |
46 | Random Rare |
66 | EMT Rare |
101 | Corps Of Engineering Rare |
113 | Gadgeteers Rare |
128 | Close Assault Rare |
146 | Training Team Rare |
161 | The Think Tank Epic |
191 | Scouting Party Epic |
226 | EMT Epic |
239 | Random Epic |
254 | Corps Of Engineering Epic |
269 | Gadgeteers Epic |
284 | Close Assault Epic |
296 | Training Team Epic |
306 | The Think Tank Epic |
Expeditions are special missions that your heroes can conduct on their own. You choose an expedition, assign one or more heroes, and send them off. The ratio between the expedition’s Target Power Level (difficulty) and the combined hero’s PL in the squad determines the success chance. For the duration of the expedition, the heroes will be unavailable for playing. Send heroes on expeditions which you do not play, or those which you play, overnight. When the time is over, the expedition returns. If your heroes were successful, the loot is yours! If they weren’t, you get nothing. No harm will occur to your heroes though. New expeditions are available every couple of hours. Which expeditions you get depends on your game progress and your unlocked vehicles.
Expeditions are available under the Command -> Hero -> Expedition tab.
Required Power | Expedition Name | Rewards |
120 | Tiny Titanic ( 8 hours ) Rescued Survivors | 1-2 Low rarity survivors |
130 | Survivor Scouting ( 8 hours ) | 1 Low rarity survivor |
250 | Training Day (16 hours ) Rescued Survivors – medium | 1-2 Low rarity survivors |
270 | Lifeguard! ( 16 hours ) | 1-2 Low rarity survivors with a chance to get Epic |
370 | Hope floats ( 16 hours ) Rescued Survivors – medium | 1-2 Low rarity survivors with a chance to get Epic |
390 | Seriously, please stop doing that. ( 16 hours ) Rescued Survivors – medium | 1-2 Low rarity survivors with a chance to get Epic |
545 | … of the fittest ( 20 hours ) Rescued Survivors – large | 1-2 Low rarity survivors with a chance to get Epic |
785 | Survivor: Survivor ( 22 hours ) Rescued Survivors – large | 1-2 Low rarity survivors with a chance to get Epic |
825 | Don’t stop kicking ( 22 hours ) Rescued Survivors – medium | 1-2 Low rarity survivors with a chance to get Epic |
835 | Drago! ( 22 hours ) Rescued Survivors – medium | 1-2 Low rarity survivors with a chance to get Epic |
Collection Book
Precaution : Collection Book is a great way to get survivors and lead survivors but I strongly do not recommend to use it especially for new players. If you do plan to do so ( and your new ) let me list you the possible rewards until level 100. Keep in mind that to gain level in the collection book you have to insert different types of items into it, and in the end you won’t be able to use them, unless you pull them out usually for 20 V-bucks. If you are getting any duplicates you should consider storing them here, but rather never if you got one copy.
Survivors : 11 Epic 2 Rare
Lead Survivors : 4 Rare
Level | Reward |
9 | Random Survivor (Rare) |
13 | Random Lead Survivor (Rare) |
24 | Random Survivor (Rare) |
26 | Random Lead Survivor (Rare) |
38 | Random Survivor (Epic) |
42 | Random Survivor (Epic) |
45 | Random Lead Survivor (Rare) |
49 | Random Survivor (Epic) |
65 | Random Survivor (Epic) |
73 | Random Survivor (Epic) |
79 | 2x Random Survivor (Epic) |
82 | 2x Random Survivor (Epic) |
86 | Random Lead Survivor (Rare) |
97 | 2x Random Survivor (Epic) |